DATE: 2022-6-21 16:07:43 SEO:
Wave plate is an optical device, which can cause additional optical path difference or azimuth difference between two direct light oscillations. Wave plate manufacturers found that it is generally made of thin, thick and accurate birefringent wafers, such as quartz or mica. The cross section between the optical axis and the crystal plate is horizontal. Linearly polarized light is directly injected into the wafer, and its light oscillation direction is consistent with the optical axis of the wafer
the incident light oscillation is divided into two parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis, corresponding to the o light and e light in the wafer. O light and e light in the wafer propagate along the same direction, but the propagation speed and refractive index are different. After passing through the wafer, there is an optical path difference between the two lights. The refractive index of o light and e light is the phase difference between two straight oscillations, which are usually combined into elliptical polarization
if linearly polarized light is incident on 1/4 and the angle is 45 °, the light passing through the wave plate is circularly polarized light; After the linearly polarized light passes through the half wave plate, the oscillation direction should usually be rotated by an angle. Wave plate compensator is usually used with polarizer to check the polarization state of optometry
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